Interview: George Saunders

fox8In a feature interview for, I got to speak with George Saunders about writing, music, and his new story Fox 8.

Here’s an excerpt:

AD: Can you describe the genesis of Fox 8′s voice?

GS: I like to have some sort of self-imposed constraint when I’m writing. Somehow this has the paradoxical effect of freeing me up. So to be “constrained” to the bad spelling helped me — it seemed like it produced a possibility for a sort of extra level of poetry, if you see what I mean. If you say: “When the sun went down, the world went dark” — well, that’s one phrase. If you say, “When sun goes down, werld goes dark” — it’s got a different feeling. So I had a good time exploring what felt like a slightly new form of English — trying to find the hot spots and funny places and so on…

Read the entire interview on eMusic.